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"No one is better at delivering jaw-dropping action moments than Infinity Ward" - Game Informer

"Awesome" - Gamespot 

"Gorgeous" -

"Brilliant" - Official Xbox Magazine


       As one of the most critically acclaimed shooters of all time, Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare is a prime example of a tough act to follow. Yet, amidst a raging storm of anticipation and expectation, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 has done it.  Of course, you could completely ignore both the campaign and cooperative modes and be MW2 Gameplay Photostill perfectly happy with the multiplayer. The insanely addictive, intensely exciting multiplayer formula pioneered by Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare is in full effect here. The action is even faster and deadlier than expected, and killing enemies, accomplishing objectives, and completing challenges earn you experience points. These points increase your level and unlock new guns, new equipment, and new skill-boosting perks. You can design different classes to highlight different skills and then switch between them to adjust for the ebb and flow of battle. The core action remains largely the same, and folks who didn't enjoy it the first time around aren't likely to have a change of heart. But what was great about it two years ago is still great today, and there are a number of tweaks and additions that make Modern Warfare 2's multiplayer substantially different and more excellent than its predecessor. One tweak is the overhauled perks system, which allows you to upgrade your perks. Another tweak is the new customizable killstreaks. All adjustments add to the thrilling gameplay and do not detract from it.  This all adds up to a thoroughly excellent package that is sure to thrill shooter fans and deprive them of sleep for months to come.

-Gamespot reveiw

       This website borrowed information from many sites around the internet and compiled it together. Here are some sites that aided in the production of this site - | | |


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